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Maxim Raises $263,951 For Charity

Maxim Raises $263,951 For Charity

On Saturday June 9, 2018 Maxim Truck & Trailer participated in the Challenge for Life 20 KM walk for charity in Winnipeg with 50 walkers and volunteers. The Maxim team raised $263,951 as a group led by the company’s CEO Doug Harvey who was the event’s top fund raiser and also participated in the 20 KM walk. 

CancerCare Manitoba’s Challenge for Life event, now in its 11th year, raised a combined total of $1,082,512 in this year’s campaign.

Maxim has been a long-time supporter of many charities including those funding community organizations, the arts, amateur sports and health.

“Giving back is part of our culture at Maxim,” says Doug Harvey. “I’m proud of the staff, customers, suppliers and friends who continually support and participate in activities that give back to our community.”