Welcome to our June 2020 edition of our Maxim Messenger. When I think back to our mid-year newsletter in December, I am amazed by what has taken place since then and within the last few months. We have all read and watched how these unprecedented times have and are impacting the world we live in and the misfortune that has come to so many people.
The year 2020 will forever be synonymous with sickness, death toll, fear, anxiety, loss of jobs, loss of homes, loss of businesses, change to our “normal”, physical distancing, sanitization and awkward looks as you make your way around people in stores. With this in mind, it is important to be understanding and patient with each other and be respectful of opposing perspectives for the circumstances around us. I want the year 2020 to also be remembered for people who survived the virus, for bravery & courage, good leadership, financial recovery for people and businesses and people having empathy & compassion and helping those in need.
The second half of our 2019.20 fiscal year was tracking well behind our previous year and the COVID-19 pandemic put a negative exclamation point on our Q4 financial performance to finish the year. As a Sales Organization, any significant impact to consumer spending on truck and trailer equipment impacts us accordingly.
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our way of life inside out and upside down and it has challenged all of us personally and professionally as we continue to navigate our way through. In spite of our financial results, I would like to thank everyone for your effort, dedication and commitment for the past year.
For our sales and financial results, our sales volume was well behind our forecast and down 6.6% year-over-year. The combination of decreased sales volumes with the increased cost of operations equals a tough year for our financial results in 2019.20.
We always like to recognize performance and our Top 3 Branches were:
Top 3 Performing Branches Overall |
1. Winnipeg Main |
2. Winnipeg Trailers |
3. Regina |
Our only Branch with year-over-year improvement was Thunder Bay
For the year ahead, our focus will be on Team Maxim and all of us working together to maximize sales opportunities and look for efficiencies in our business to minimize our expenses. There is no shortage of issues that need to be dealt with, but I am thankful that we live in Canada and work for a company that is an Essential Service. This gives us the opportunity to do what we can to make a difference as we continue to tackle the challenges we face in the most positive manner possible. Your dedication and commitment are always appreciated and that appreciation is magnified in a year when our people stepped up and worked safely together in unprecedented circumstances.
I wish you and your families all the best for a great summer and a safe & healthy 2020!
Best regards,
Troy Hamilton, President
The Sales, Lease and Rental Division’s (SLR) first-half financial results are 29% ahead of forecast and 18% improved year over year. Coming off the previous year’s negative results and then faced with the COVID-19 pandemic and the major economic impacts it has brought. The SLR Management team and Front Line Sales teams have done a great job to stay focused, keep driving forward and continue to take no prisoners as our first half results have shown.
Our top three branches for overall performance and out top three branches for year-over-year improvement are:
Top 3 Performing Branches Overall | Top 3 Most Improved Overall |
1. Brandon | 1. Prince Albert |
2. Thunder Bay | 2. Thunder Bay |
3. Prince Albert | 3. Edmonton |
Truck sales finished 7% above forecast with improved results in Severe Duty, Used trucks, Bus and Medium Duty segments. Used truck gross profit results surpassed the prior year even though we sold fewer units year over year.
Trailer sales finished 6% ahead of forecast and 3% better than the prior year. Great Dane and Used Trailer sales both exceeded forecast and finished ahead of the prior year’s results. Shortline trailer sales struggled (Arne's, Trout River, East and Timpte) as a whole and finished below forecast and behind the prior year.
Full Service Lease gross profit results finished 83% percent better than forecast and a 105% improvement year over year. We continue to see growth in key business segments like Food and Beverage, Medical Supply and Distribution. Our Lease team continues to find new customers that benefit from our company having multiple locations to take care of their needs.
This past year we had 13 Sales Account Managers achieve Maxim Excellence Club status. This is the highest number of qualifiers in over six years and we know there is a lot of hard work and dedication that go into achieving these results. Congratulations to the following Account Managers:
Name |
Mark Bilan Ken Bilous Louise Chaput Lindsey Frego Guy Gervais Bill Heuchert Bob Hotton Scott Kinsman |
Name |
Mark Carlson Norm Chabot Shayne Garwood Darrel Lewicki Rachid Ouahib |
On behalf of the SLR management team, we want to thank everyone for their efforts this year. For the year ahead, we need to stay focused on sales activity, more business with loyal customers and continued focus on conquest accounts and bringing new business to Maxim. Given these uncertain times, everyone’s effort to go above and beyond is appreciated as we work together and sell our way to better results.
Stay safe and take care.
Ryan Sapach, Vice President of Sales/Lease/Rentals
For our sales and financial results, Parts finished behind last year’s net parts profit results by 16.2 %. This is the first time in nine years that we have not grown our sales revenue year-over-year. We finished behind last year’s sales by 4.5%. The loss of sales is due to the increased competition, the slowdown in the economy and as of late - Covid-19. We have to be out in front of our customers and be there for them, understand their needs, and find ways to look after them. It is important to follow up and look after every opportunity presented to us.
I would like to thank our whole team for their efforts this past year. We have experienced something with the COVID-19 pandemic that we may never see again in our lifetime. I appreciate everyone’s effort in adapting to how we do business and being there on the front lines every day throughout these tough economic times. Being an essential worker is difficult but because of our continued efforts, we managed to help keep the wheels turning.
Top 3 Performing Branches Overall | The 2 Branches With Year-Over-Year Improvement |
1. Winnipeg Main | 1. Thunder Bay |
2. Regina | 2. Mississauga |
3. Winnipeg Trailers |
We had some challenges this year with our Outside Sales team; we lost two outside salespeople and due to the economy have decided to delay the replacement of those two positions.
The Fusion switchover had us all on our toes and in unfamiliar territory. I am pleased to say that after four months, Fusion has become the new normal and I hear less and less about it every day. My optimism is very high as I learn more and more about the capabilities of this new business system
We are full swing into using GPS and Route optimization for our outside sales team and to date, I am very pleased to have a program that will allow our outside sales team to optimize their time with our customers and grow their relationships.
Thank you and I wish you all a great summer.
Steve Young, Vice President of Parts
The purpose of this memo is to give you all a quick update of how Maxim Service and our Fleet fared in the second half of Fiscal 2019-20 (November 2019 through April 2020).
With COVID-19 presenting a challenging end to our fiscal year, Service finished the year with results that trailed last year by 16.7%. Despite these challenges, Maxim Service Management and Administration worked hard to support our 175 highly trained technicians and kept both Maxim’s Fleet and the fleets of our valued customers on the road.
Top 3 Performing Branches Overall | Top 3 Most Improved Overall |
1. Regina | 1. Thunder Bay |
2. Thunder Bay | 2. Calgary |
3. Winnipeg Southside | 3. Brandon |
Please reach out to each of them if the opportunity presents itself and thank them for the hard work they do each day.
Included below is an update related to changes in key positions since our last newsletter:
Congratulations to these two gentlemen and welcome to the Maxim Team!
Our second Maxim Vancouver location opened in January 2019. The facility is located along a busy transportation route in Surrey, B.C. and will provide customers Truck and Trailer Sales, Leasing and Rentals. Many thanks to Chris Crippen (Branch Manager – Vancouver) and the entire Maxim Vancouver Team for all their hard work to get this second facility open.
New Maxim Surrey location at 19011 96 Avenue
In closing, while we all faced a tremendously difficult end to our year, I want to thank each and every one of you for doing your very best each day. At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Trucking was deemed an Essential Service by all levels of government across the country and I am very proud to say I am part of a team that rose to the challenge and continued to provide that essential service to our customers even through the most difficult circumstances. Well done!
Kyle Cuthbert, Senior Vice President of Service & Operations
This has been a year of massive change in IT! We have migrated our entire security and email infrastructure to SonicWall and Microsoft platforms. Microsoft Teams has helped Maxim stay productive during our social distancing commitment. Fusion is now implemented at both Maxim and Tereck, with Summit Trailers being next. We thank everyone involved in the Fusion transition. Fusion will enable us to realize greater integration with partners and suppliers such as Navistar and Great Dane. We look forward to the future with Fusion!
Alan Sealey, Chief Information Officer
We had some exciting changes this first half of 2020:
Across our Maxim branches, we had a net loss of three employees this year. However, our attrition rate (people choosing to leave) went in the right direction with a decrease of 2.7%. I encourage managers to continue to follow best practices for recruiting new staff.
We are looking to hire Technicians at several of our branches, notably Brandon and Thunder Bay. A reminder about our Technician referral program: refer a Technician candidate to Maxim – if they are hired and stay with Maxim at least 1 year, you will receive a FREE iPad and $1,000. This year, eight employees received this incentive.
Outstanding Service Award
Our Outstanding Service Award recently received a face-lift! This monthly award, which recognizes employees’ internal or external customer service excellence, now offers a $25 gift card to all nominees and $100 gift card to one through random draw. Forward your nomination to maximhr@dlhgroup.ca or contact your Branch Administrator. To see the winners, go to: http://synnrg1.maximinc.com/synnrg_cms_maxim/index.php/help-center/hr/outstanding-service-award/osa-2020/outstanding-service-award-2020
^ you will need to be on the Maxim network to view this link
Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)
An Employee Assistance Plan is a confidential, short-term, 24/7 counselling service that supports you and your family’s well-being. Maxim’s EAP service is provided by Lifeworks. Masters-trained professionals offer free advice and guidance on a variety of topics such as work-life stress, financial concerns, and family issues.
Name |
Position |
Branch |
Change |
Thomas Burnell |
Service Supervisor |
Tereck |
new hire |
Kevin Emo |
Parts Sales Professional |
Calgary |
new hire |
Don Perepelkin |
Leadhand Technician |
Calgary |
new hire |
Deanna Guiboche |
Lead Generation & Event Coordinator |
Winnipeg |
new hire |
Gebran Sbeit |
Service Manager |
Toronto |
new hire |
Richard Nawolski |
Foreman |
Tereck |
Retired |
Lisa Parent, BA, CPHR, Human Resources Manager
When the COVID-19 pandemic appeared in March, a committee was formed to address concerns, share precautions and business guidelines, and ensure the continued operation of the business. With the health and well-being of our employees as a top priority, we initiated required protocols as recommended by the federal and provincial governments:
As various questions surfaced, the committee created a situational flow chart and provided answers to FAQs. New information and developments were and continue to be communicated via email, intranet, and bulletin postings.
At this time, we are happy to report Maxim has had zero cases of COVID-19. As the government cautions us about a possible second wave, we thank everyone for their continued diligence.
See our public statement near the beginning of the pandemic
Alex Ethier, OHS Coordinator | Lisa Parent, HR Manager | Michael Rosenbaum, CFO
Our Occupational Safety & Health Department develops policies, training and performs claims management and investigations throughout the DLH Group.
Alex Ethier has been providing safety & health direction and support since July of 2012 and continues to explore continued options for improving our safety culture.
Our DLH Learning Centre (DLC) has been a key component in the training of employees in numerous components of Safety, including: WHMIS, TDG, Forklifts, Cranes, Orientations, and many more.
Safety & Health concerns or questions can always be sent to safety@dlhgroup.ca directly.
Alex Ethier, NCSO, Occupational Safety Coordinator
In case you missed these social media posts or activities that Maxim was involved in this past 6 months, here are some of the highlights.
If you haven’t already, check out Maxim on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn – follow and like us! Here are links so you can get caught up.
With almost 600 employees spread across 18 branches from Vancouver to Montreal, it's hard to know everyone at Maxim. Each issue we feature two employees answering our fun Lightning Round questions so you can get to know Maxim employees from other branches. Be ready for when your turn comes for the Lightning Round.
Lightning-fast questions and answers coming from Samantha Robertson in Winnipeg
Lightning-fast questions and answers coming from Norm Chabot in Edmonton.